
Publications & Training Unit
Studies Unit

Services objective is to provide education, consulting, or training in design and analysis of experiments, operating consulting services, developing digital content, and publishing leaflets/booklets. Moreover, the division of Services undertakes studies and the design and analysis of experiments.

Publications & Training Unit

  • Organizes Seminars, Lectures, Summer Schools, which are addressed to undergraduate or postgraduate students, researchers, academic stuff, etc., or to specific groups, such as employees in a Private Company.
  • Provides consulting/help desk services.
  • Publishes best practice guides, booklets/leaflets, which present research methods and tools, and promote the appropriate use of scientific terminology, etc.  
  • Provides digital content and services in a web-based environment.
  • Gives lectures, talks (or/and sponsorships) in conferences of Scientific Unions or meetings of Social Actors.
  • Contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, organizing events that are addressed to students, researchers, and all society, such as competitions for school students and young scientists, open days /researchers’ nights, invitations to talented researchers (cadets), etc. Such a procedure will result in the development of know how in methodology of research related to the design and analysis of experiments, and the critical assessment of statistical data and results.
  • Provides traineeships to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Studies Unit undertakes projects in

  • Sampling and experimental design
  • Data analysis

and is addressed to

  • Laboratories, academic stuff, research groups, students, and the administration of AUA.
  • Αcademic stuff in other Universities.
  • Researchers in Scientific Institutes.
  • Public Organizations.
  • Institutes, Private Companies, or individuals.



Institute for Design and Analysis of Experiments (IDAE) was established in 2019 under the University Research Centre of Agricultural University of Athens (AUA).
idae © Copyright  |  Developed by  Stefanos Gkikas
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